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About Crestview Church

Our Doctrine


We believe that the one God exists as three persons relating. The Father, the source of all life, shares His life, begetting the Son, and His life as the Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son. The three are united in substance, equal in the sense of being God, and are distinct in their personhood. 


The Bible is the word of God, written by holy men of old as they were enabled to communicate God's truth without error. We therefore believe that the scripture is infallible and inerrant in its original autographs. The scripture is our rule of faith, and a revelation of God Himself. Written over a period of 1500 years by as many as 40 authors, the scripture is authoritative in matters of faith, doctrine, and practice.


God created man in His image, with the ability to relate to God in freedom, as immortal, spiritual beings. Man's original state was one of holiness. After the fall, man became a corrupt expression of God's image. Because of the corruption of our nature, man is incapable of any positive move toward God, except through the work of divine grace. This grace, which works in advance of our salvation to bring us to favor, toward salvation, is called prevenient grace. Only through the justifying, regenerating, sanctifying grace of God can we be saved from the pervasive corruption of sin, and be conformed to the image of God.


Salvation is the process by which God forgives sin, renews man to quickens a soul dead in trespasses and sin, and draws a soul to sanctification. Full salvation indicates a full redemption from all the effects of sin. Guilt, separation, death, and depravity all must be dealt with in salvation. Thus, the work of Christ is sufficient for all our needs. This salvation is grounded in the love of God, provided by the atoning work of Christ, and applied by the active work of the Holy Spirit.


Sanctification is a process beginning with initial sanctification, occurring at the new birth. It is at this time that the believer receives the Spirit and is changed.  However, it is not long until a new Christian realizes that an inner battle between flesh and Spirit, or carnality and grace is happening in his soul. While the believer has been forgiven of his sins, inbred sin (carnality) still has a hold on the soul. God initiates a second stage in the sanctification process, bringing the fully committed Christian to a complete consecration. This is the crucifixion of the self-centered mind of the carnal Christian. As Wesley said, "The more alive to God a Christian is, the more dead to sin he comes." Thus, when a believer is fully consecrated, and trusts God for His promise of cleansing, the Holy Spirit fills the heart, cleanses from carnality and sin, and empowers for service.



The Christian Church was founded by Christ on the day of Pentecost. By the infilling of the Spirit, the followers of Christ become the Body of Christ. Being called out from the world to fellowship with Christ, the Church is a unique organism. It is universal, being made up of true believers of all nations, and it is holy, belonging to God. We believe that God's plan for the financing of His Church and work is with the tithes and gifts of its members.

We do not believe that the Congregational Methodist Church, or any other denomination, is the only true Church, nor that any other orthodox church is excluded. Those cults claiming to be Christian, but denying orthodox Christian doctrine, are not accepted as a part of the Body of Christ.

Our Mission

Crestview Church strives to share Christ, as it shows genuine love, leads others to Christ, equips future leaders and pursues spiritual growth.

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